These are some of the books that I have treasured. I have given the links in them. They are available used and they ship worldwide. If you buy from any of these links I will get a few cents in referral fees – it’s nothing much but still a few cents also help me! So thank you if you decide to purchase any.
Books on Eastern Philosophy, Non-Duality, Culture & Values: These are my main themes of interest & personal practice. I get all my printed books, audio books, ebooks as well as freely available texts & doctrines from the Ramakrishna Mission publications. These books are distributed at very affordable prices & ship globally. You can also download a lot of historical documents & texts free of cost from their websites.
I will keep adding to the list so save the page & come back frequently.

American Photography by Miles Orvell
(Used, Paperback Book, 256 pages)
Buy American Photography

On Photography by Susan Sontag
(Used, Paperback)
Buy On Photography

20th Century Photography by Reuel Golden, Holly Stuart Hughes, Holly Hughes
(Hardcover Book, 256 pages)
Buy 20th Century Photography

God and the Reach of Reason by C.S. Lewis, David Hume, Bertrand Russell
(Used, Paperback)
Buy God and the Reach of Reason: C.S. Lewis, David Hume, and Bertrand Russell

Isherwood: A Life Revealed by Peter Parker
(Used, Hardcover Book, 832 pages)
Buy Isherwood: A Life Revealed
Based in part on Isherwood’s private papers-unavailable until now-this fascinating book presents the real story of his life, a life that saw a relatively conventional boy become an acclaimed writer, mystic, and “grand old man” of the gay liberation movement.