Note: As of Jan 2020, the content has gone through numerous changes since it was first written. Much of this post is no longer relevant, though I continue to offer my professional counselling to new bloggers on effective ways to connect and promote their small businesses online.
After almost 3 years I am back to helping new bloggers make the best of their time & money with their blogging business. I have redesigned my Effective Blogging Tips website. I will continue to measure and optimize this website for the next several months.
It is harder this time. I remember when I started this around July of 2008. I had been talking to my friends about bringing enterprise technology to small businesses.

It was easy to get online and be noticed back in those days. There were about 120 million websites in the world and people had to be technically savvy to be able to create a website. We had the advantage.
I made a choice. I decided to go with Matt’s open source WordPress. I was already speaking about his systems to other bloggers and small businesses from 2006, so I naturally decided to walk my talk and set up Pro Media Blog on WordPress.
I am reviewing all the content on this website now. I have started writing again but this time the content is significantly of a different flavor. Now that technology has rapidly become intuitive, the new content are going to be more of strategy, designs, metrics and of course conversions.
There are about 700 million plus websites now, thanks to WordPress, almost everyone will have web presence within a few more years. Add to that the fact that Gen Z and Gen Z’ will have their App presence as well.
My focus to keep blogging effective for those trying to make money online would be to help them with digital tactics making the most of open source and other technologies, for better online marketing & conversions.
Take a look & send me your feedback. I am always looking for collaborators, so if this excites you, drop me a note. You can also connect with me on Twitter.
Link to the redesigned website: Effective Blogging Tips.