We had several days of rain in the last few weeks, usual at this time of the year, that fell almost all the leaves for the season. Some sparing colors popped up here & there, some colors were lit by the occasional sun peeking through the trees while the others held their last remnant leaves, as if waiting for someone to look at them.
There are some remaining pine trees, which used to be a four square blocks of beautiful pine trees. I frequented this place before the last of them were gone. The side lighting from the afternoon sun almost seemed to set the colorful trees on fire. I was able to capture some of them.

Rain & the dark clouds gave way to bright rays of the sun occasionally throughout the week. Patches that looked like blown up pumpkins lit up in brilliant orange, yellow, red & dark brown for a few moments, glorified by the sun rays that shown through the clouds for a few moments each time.
Some trees are beautiful, whether they have the bright colors of the season or not. This is one such tree that had another young plant boring through its branches.
Days come with a lot of rain, sometimes mild & sometimes heavy. There have also been a few tornadoes around the region though that did not affect the foliage much. Rain is common at this time of the year in the mid-south. Mornings see a lot of fog & mist and sometimes they wander into late afternoons and evenings.

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