Fine Arts – Elements

Background: A series of images that depicts the natural human connection with the primordial elements of nature. Although there are five such philosophical elements (wind, ether, water, earth, fire), for the brevity of this project, the four that will be considered are ether, water, earth (symbolized by forest) and fire (symbolized by light).

Symbolism & allegorism: The convergence of the mind (subtle body), spirit (soul) & the body (gross body) and the elements of nature is the main symbolic relevance in this project. Apart from the allegoric references indicated above, none other are intentional.

Other isms: No other isms are intended.

Medium: The images will be done in digital & / or film. No digital manipulations will be performed on the electronic file formats.

Format: 2×3, 1×1, 6×4.5, 6×7 formats.

Location: All or most of the images would be done outdoors. The locations would depend on the specific story boards for the schedules.

Makeup & clothing: Mild to moderate foundational makeup preferred with nudity.

Chromatic preferences: Black & white or muted colors.

Sponsors: Self funded.

Model requirements: Height weight proportional with no major scars or bodily disfigurations that could not be made up with foundational makeup.

Legal requirements: Models must be an adult (18+ years in age), with no past or current indictments on any grounds & be able to sign his / her release with a state issued identification.

Confidentiality requirements: The details of the project, including story boards, mood boards, locations and agreements shall remain confidential within the concerned parties.