Background: A series of images of a lady in solitude. According to the philosophy of the Self, solitude helps to turn the mind inwards, drawing attention to who we are in Reality. Solitude helps to discover our true Self, leaving behind the ones we project to the external, materialistic, act-for-profit world. This project will attempt to capture the mood of a woman in solitude.
Story & mood boards: Free form. Mood could be that of reflection, introspection, solidarity of Self, calmness, anxiousness, anxiety, hope, despair etc. It could be indicative of both revelation & acceptance or rebellion & denial.
Symbolism & allegorism: None
Other isms: No other isms are intended.
Medium: The images will be done in digital & / or film. No digital manipulations will be performed on the electronic file formats.
Format: 2×3, 1×1, 6×4.5, 6×7 formats.
Location: Indoors and outdoors, with preference for indoor locations.
Makeup & clothing: Mild foundational makeup preferred with nudity.
Chromatic preferences: Black & white & colors.
Sponsors: Self funded.
Model requirements: Height weight proportional.
Legal requirements: Models must be an adult (18+ years in age), with no past or current indictments on any grounds & be able to sign his / her release with a state issued identification.
Confidentiality requirements: The details of the project, including story boards, mood boards, locations and agreements shall remain confidential within the concerned parties.