Once in a while the Memphis bridge becomes an enchanting marvel when the river swells up and fog covers up the entire length and breadth of the river. On December 26, 2019 we were having lunch as usual at work when my colleagues urged me to go out and shoot the Memphis bridge.
Our office cafeteria is along the Mississippi river in downtown Memphis, and the view from that place is almost similar to the one in the picture. So I had a good idea of what I would capture if I went out in the drizzle and took my chances.

This Memphis Bridge Panorama is created by merging about 5 – 6 frames in Adobe Lightroom. The fog was just clearing across the river while the water level on the river was rising very fast. I was able to find a small spot on the banks of the river that was not too soggy for me to sink in and close enough to the high grounds so I can run back into shelter if it started pouring badly.
This black & white panorama is available for purchase from the Shop page.