Janice Booth’s 2011 book Only Pack What You Can Carry: My Path to Inner Strength, Confidence and True Self Knowledge is worth another reading, especially at this time when the world is torn apart by violence, leaving people who love to travel stranded in their own corner. This book is a very personal revelation of the purpose why many travel – self discovery, and overcoming the fears of long hauls.

Travel transforms us. It makes us face our fears of unfamiliarity, fears of uncertainty and definitely the fear of living with people & in cultures unlike us & ours. In her book Only Pack What You Can Carry: My Path to Inner Strength, Confidence and True Self Knowledge Janice does exactly does, with candidness & humor.
The book is published by National Geographic & in an interview with National Geographic Travel, Janice mentions “In this day and age it’s nearly impossible to be truly alone, but with solo travel, you can choose whether or not to seek out other people. This should be an introspective thing”.
The kind that keeps you from stepping of a cliff when you shouldn’t and the kind that keeps you from stepping of the edge of a cliff when you should.
Janice Booth
In a world that could not be more divided and terrified of each other, with countries attacking one another, with a portion of Americans trying to hold onto democracy, a few would dare to travel & venture out of their own communities risking their own safety. The courage to find oneself, that one would need to travel these days must be strong enough to overcome these fears & find the solace & rejuvenation that comes from that self discovery.
Janice’s book Only Pack What You Can Carry: My Path to Inner Strength, Confidence and True Self Knowledge is, as she says, about finding your inner strength, building on your most innate desire of exploring, and satisfying human trait of addressing their curiosity. This is truly a very inspiring book.