One of the main dilemmas of social life is to bring about an agreeable end in ones day to day life & interactions when it comes to living & dealing with people with differences in ideology, opinions, actions, personality & relations. The non-duality teachers proclaim to preserve the ideology of Advaita and all actions that ascertain the oneness of the universal spirit. However, to be accepting of other’s opinions even if they contradict yours.
The most difficult of these is the reconciliation of ideology. How can we reconcile on philosophy and ideals if they are contrary to each other? This is the reason for eternal conflict between semetic religions and the others. And within the semetic religions the conflict exists between orthodox followers and the alternative ones.

Eastern philosophy is all about the mind. It does not renounce the physical world around us, but projects them as unreal, or temporary. From the teachings of Hermes and Thoth, both of whom influenced Christianity, Islam, Baha’i and several other faith systems, projects this material world as an illusion of the mind. In that case, any event or incident is mental and causes mental vibrations. Illusion merely refers to any such vibrations originating in the mind. Any such vibrations are non-essential and contribute greatly to this illusion. Conflicts are one of the main causes whose effect are such tremendous thought waves or mental illusions.
Vedantic teaching also mention that the ideal state of the mind is actually not a “peaceful” mind but no mind at all. If mind is the base for thoughts and only exist for the thought waves to arise and propagate, then such a mind cannot be tranquil as long as any thought exists. Thus a “peaceful” mind is only possible when there is no-mind at all. Reconciliations of actions, both verbal & physical, are thus imminent if one has to have a no-mind state.
Conflicts that are more fundamental in nature, like ideology and relationships are harder to reconcile unless one is able to move above the planes of such arguments and views. If Truth is the only sought after thing and Truth is universal, then any ideology is nothing but an interpretation of the Truth. At the philosophical level, an ideology is one of the many paths with which one can realize the Truth. From any planes below that, where Truth is validated through name, form and appearances, the differences will be visually obvious and hence cannot be reconciled.
Because ideology & relationships are often more personal in nature, and are most often the cause of the worst “attachments”, one final way, followed by many monks of the East, is total renunciation and complete isolation. A complete separation for a prolonged period is necessary to completely realize the individuality of the Self, only to discover in essence that the Self is part of the Universal.
Once the Truth is realized, and the Self is surrendered to the Universal, any differences in ideology (intellect), actions (body) and relations (mind) cease to exist. Differences in Ideologies, Actions, Relations & Opinions will continue to exist however in all minds, bodies and intellects as long as the individuality (ego) is maintained and the physical world remains fragmented in our perceptions as nothing but dual.