Swami Vivekananda described a spiritual aspirant or seeker as one who is intensely dissatisfied with the present state of affairs in life. And mostly we look outside to “seek” something that could change that state of mind to something more peaceful and blissful. There is an “aspiration” of such “seeker” to discover that which provides that calmness & tranquility.
Advaita teaches the oneness of the cosmic consciousness and that all that we perceive around us is a mental creation. At the highest level of such self-realization, when one is able to identify with that higher Self, peace, calm, tranquility come automatically. These are the properties of such a state of Self-realization. With that philosophy in mind there is nothing to seek because it is not an objective search and designed by the objective mind.

An aspirant, who is “intensely dissatisfied with the current state of affairs in life”, aspires to “become” one who is blissful. In that process, the aspirant also establishes ones real Self that is Conscious, True (deathless) and Blissful. It is almost an art of becoming. A simplified philosophical explanation says that such a state of mind is already in us. It is our ego that prevents us from realizing that Truth. In that sense, as Aspirant is not necessarily “seeking” and objective truth & is likely going to acquire that state of mind following a designated path.
A pilgrim is on a journey. There is no fixed destination. There is no objective expectations. It is a continuous progress from one state to the next, from one level of realization to the higher one. And Self-realized souls have warned that the journey is not easy – “its tougher than walking on a razor’s edge”. A pilgrim on such a journey needs caution and self-discipline to move forward.
With the attitude of a pilgrim we assume the responsibility to keep moving forward without attaching our body & mind to any particular state or being. The stress to “seek” and find or fail, the risk to “aspire” and lose is gone. The mind is calm. The resolve is steady. The intent is turned inwards. Wherever this inward journey leads there would be spiritual treasures and happiness.
I am the Pilgrim!