One of the top sellers we have on our online Fine Arts Photography Shop is the collection called the SUMMER IMPRESSION SERIES. These are mostly panoramas and best works if you are displaying them in series of 3 or 5.
The collection currently has over 10 images, all done in camera without any digital manipulations. I keep adding a few from time to time. Most of these are done around gardens and wherever in public areas I could see patches of beautiful colors. The summer time is when these beautiful flowers come to life.
Here are a couple from the series.
There are a lot more that I did as part of an experimental fall foliage color series around the house. I will slowly upload them on here as well as on the Buy Now link.
Its interesting to reflect back on how it all started. I was tremendously impressed by a middle eastern photographer back in early 2000 and started experimenting with Fuji Velvia and my Nikon FM3A camera. Digital was not so popular at that time and though the Kodak 2 MP cameras were available, they were completely out of my budget.
The image below is one of my first, done by sandwiching a couple of Velvia 50 chrome slides together. This was done in California in summer, when the poppies were seen everywhere. A low angle and a polarizer also added to the drama.

The latest ones are done with my Nikon digital cameras and cleaned up a little bit in Lightroom. Except for some minor changes in saturation and perspective, the images are presented as photographed and all the creative impressionism was done in camera with multiple exposures.