In this sub series of the journey of the Pilgrim, he sits at his feet and earns his teachings from his Guru. The article in the series Talks with Guru are subjective in nature with the teacher spontaneously responding to inquiries into non-duality through a series of queries the seriously inquisitive beginner puts across.
A point to note is that the non-dual Truth is infinite and can be experienced & explained in infinite number of ways, which may look conflicting at times, but each being right from an unique perspective.
Pilgrim: How does science explain spirituality?
Guru: It has always been science’s pursuit to prove or disprove something in a way that can be replicated universally, of course under certain given conditions. As such, it is the scientists who are more worried of proving what is spirituality & the connection of the mind. Those who have attained higher levels of realization do not worry about these things.
Mathematics do not create such limitations and so mathematicians can explore a lot more of spirituality than (experimental) scientists. For example, a mathematician will have no problem in dealing with imaginary numbers (i which is the square root of -1) but (experimental) scientists can never show anyone what the square root of minus one looks like!
Quantum sciences have shown that interaction in fields of energy creates particles & once the quantum of energy in such disturbances or vibrations are high enough, an observable particle comes into existence – almost like its being “born”.
And when such energy interactions are not strong enough to create a sustainable existence, the particles either exist for a very short duration or does not fully come to exist as a particle.
This has always been the main point of argument within scientists, often leading to various semetic conclusions like First Cause Theory etc. But for the one who are seriously pursuing a higher understanding of the Self, these things are no hindrances. The mind will create what your ego wants it to create. So these sort of philosophies or arguments or concepts do not lead to any definitive answer.

Pilgrim: Where is the Mind?
Guru: One, especially those with analytical bent of the mind, have huge problems understanding the concepts of Zero & Infinity. Both these entities, if we can call them entity, are hard to imagine & certainly cannot be shown, demonstrated or constructed. So science has left these alone with the philosophers & the mathematicians.
Words, like what we use in our conversations, have added more confusion, especially certain languages are designed to be very precise while certain languages that derived from very ancient times, are more perception driven. And those few teachers have finally resorted to silence in order to impart the highest spiritual lesson to their disciples.
Keeping that in context, there are different understanding of words like mind, thought, brain, consciousness, conscious, awake etc. One way to think is to reflect how one “thinks” – do you think with your mind? or does “thought” appear in your mind? Either way, if one pursues this line of thought deep enough, one could realize that a “mind” only comes into the context when there is a “thought”. Meaning, if there are no “thoughts” there is no “mind”.
So “mind” can be understood as a series of thoughts – when the thoughts end, the “mind” disappears. It is almost like saying “words make up a sentence, but without words can we still have a sentence”? Here, the “thought” can be related to the “word” and the “mind” to the sentence.
So concepts like whether the mind is inside your body or outside your physical body, belongs to you or does not belong to you, do not have any one explanation. And then again, explanation will only validate a concept, and concepts exist because of the mind. So you see, this goes in circles! Forget it, leave it to those who find pleasure in going around in circles – like the monkeys in a circus!
Pilgrim: What should I do?
Guru: The least you can do is to assert your earnestness in your daily life – be sincere to yourself.
And if you are all ready to take that position & probably upset almost anyone around you in this delicate, super egotistic society, then the next thing you can do is to stop building any more concepts to entertain your Consciousness.
Understand, again, this is a “concept” so handle it with care! We “exist” in our physical form as high concentrations of energy, which is “movement” – so for you to get to the bottom of this, you have to “see through this movement” because this very movement causes the murkiness which blurs our understanding.
Simply put – Sit Quietly, it will come to you in time.
Pilgrim bows at the feet of the Guru.
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A loving soul and stable mind without any thought, are Pilgrimage