Fall is still alive in Tennessee although it is quite late in the year. The colors were almost fading a couple of weeks back when I took some time to travel around the suburban Memphis. There were some rain last week that saturated the colors & the mood was upbeat for Halloween.

I drove through the backroads early morning the past week on a cloudy weekend, hoping to find some fog & mist from the rain the last couple of days. Instead, I found some beautiful colors close to home.

All the backroads just east of Memphis have been like this for weeks now. They all look the same to me. In fact, if my GPS didn’t tell me my location, I’d have thought that I was going through the same roads in circles over & over again, for hours!

I met a lot of joggers & cyclists on road. They had their head lamps & their safety lights on their bikes on. Some even had stroboscopic lamps on their bikes, that left a very unique streak of lights on the image.
It has been raining since noon. While I am hopeful to find some more fall foliage colors next week, the rain will surely shed a lot of leaves this weekend.

There used to be a four square block of land close to our home that was filled with pine trees. Probably planted fifty years ago, the trees looked beautiful year round. Especially at fall, when the pine forest would be surrounded by all the colors around.
Unfortunately, progress is the name when we justify destroying a lot of things that eventually help us live and breathe. So in the name of commercial development, this pine forest is been cut down, chopped up and destroyed.
I stopped by to see what remains with a faint hope that the developers may have left a small part of these trees intact. Well, they did not! But nature showed me the very best, even at the face of complete annihilation in our hands.
The sun lit us some of these trees suddenly. It almost looked like trees on fire! Brilliant golden, orange, red and then it was gone as soon as it came. The clouds moved over and the trees went back to face their fate!