And how to do it? Now the Vedanta speaks of one or two ways of doing this. The disciple has to make the mind think of the Lord and if necessary make an effort in the mind and you know, in Christianity, they call it Repentance. You know there is a story from Jesus’ life that there was a father with two sons.
One son, he told him go to the vineyard and work in the garden. You know what? There and the son said “No, I won’t.” And a little later he felt Repentance – “Oh why did I say that to my father!” No and then he didn’t tell the father again anything, not a word, went directly with great remorse that you should not have done it and worked seriously and sincerely did a wonderful job.

There was the second son. The father told him to go to the garden and work. The second “Sure father I will” and he walked away from the father. And the father went to his job and the son never went to the garden. He went away somewhere to play. So Jesus says who did the right thing by the father?
The first son, he refused him on the face, said no then later when he went see the effort, see the seriousness he put forth to do the will of the father. And the second one pretended to be very obedient but then did nothing. So the effort is very important. You have to do it even if you don’t like it do it. That is therefore and how the Vedanta gives you three qualities which the disciple can actually look into himself whether he has them. If not, whether I can cultivate them.
The one is follow just what the Guru has said – not a bit more just what the Guru has said. That is safe for spiritual progress. If he has given you a prayer or a mantra don’t have to add some endearing terms here and there. Just what he has told you very strictly. And the second, don’t have to practice austerities that the Guru has not approved without telling him. Don’t practice any austerities – it may harm spiritual progress but still, this craze sometimes in spiritual life to do something physical austerity – I will give up this food, I will sleep less one hour, I should do something.
The Guru seems to make it all easy. He says make japam, chant the name. I am doing it but there is nothing thrilling about it, nothing exciting. Let me do something more and so start out on your own some little austerity. And that is not safe, not to do it. Then you are assured of spiritual progress.