If that is true then do I see any signs of it in my life? Even once in a year if I do something Divine then I can say that statement seems to be correct. Only I want to make it more manifest in my life. That’s my problem. So at least this thought should occur to every human being. I am a man. Human birth is important because the Divine in man can manifest. How? is the next question. But it can and that is my purpose I have to try for it. That will be my goal in life.
Several other smaller things to do in life for what? For keeping body and soul together mostly. You see we don’t take a job with the sole intention of manifesting the Divine in man. We don’t do several things – if you just analyze many things that we have to do keeping this as the main point I am Divine Soul, says the statement of the Vedanta. Everyone is Divine but then let me analyze my actions and attitudes. Then you will find prominently a goal forming before you. I am not Divine 90 percent of my life but I have to be. So let me try sometime, somewhere.

I have to try it but all the rest I am doing and I call it life and life activity. What is this then? Is it outside the Divine? Yes for the moment it is outside the Divine, simply for the reason that you and I and most of us feel, we have the feeling that these acts are Divine and these are non-divine. In other words good and not good So, so long as every one of us as a reasoning, thinking being can differentiate good not good, I should do this because it is good. I should not or should not have done it because it is evil.
I see it – either I see it before doing it or i realize after having done it. That is the thinking beings. Now so long as you divide it you still divide the Divine from the non-divine and say more of the Divine seems to be the goal of man and less of the non-divine.
Now how shall I do it is the next. First, having known the problem so in Vedanta you have read three statements and the first is this – that man is Divine. The second, the goal of man, the purpose of man, is to try through every one of his actions if possible, to manifest the Divinity. Everyone, even the evil actions you are prone to
some actions which your reason says is not the right thing but you do it.
Even in that, in every action, the goal of man is to manifest this Divine, the nature that is you really manifest it. And the third statement that all religions and all paths to this manifestation have to be accepted, respected and even assimilated. All religions, if they are paths really to this manifestation in some form, call it by any name, call the religion by any name – Buddhism or Christianity or Hinduism but your mainstream judgment will be. Does it want the individual to manifest this Divinity more of Divine and less of the non-divine as you grow, as you act and live, do anything but watch for this one criterion – more of Divine. Do I see it? Did I see it this morning? No? Then this afternoon can I try?
This continuous urge in the mind, you see, I have not been able to do it yet but I will try. I may succeed.