If it is money, if the money quantity increases in the bank then there is more earning done. There is progress in business. If there is more quality that also is progress. So only these two can give me a feeling of “I am progressing.” Yes, but how shall I know the quality of the quantity.
By any worldly standard, spiritual quality or quantity cannot be measured. It is really unfortunate but still we can’t help it. Spiritual quantity or quality cannot be measured by our idea of worldly measurements. A man may be really progressing, an individual is progressing but every day he may feel “am I progressing?” He’s looking for something tangible, quality or quantity, finds nothing and that may depress him. So that’s what I wanted to say especially this morning.

How the Vedanta helps the individual? Not to worry over this measurement of spiritual progress. So they cure the headache by cutting off the head, as they say. You can’t set the complaint of headache and instead of giving buffering they say “cut off the head.” But that is too strong for some people. If you say “don’t measure your spiritual progress, why are you worried? Why do you have to know how much progress you have made? Can’t you just follow what your Guru and the books have told you and what you yourself have decided to do?
The doing is clear, no confusion in it. Every day thought of God in so many ways. Meditation constantly, recollect him during jobs and works, sometimes do a ritual worship sometimes just read the scriptures, read the lives of the saints or do service to humanity if you can and still feel the presence of the lord. So think of this Divine, the Lord in man, in any manner you like. In the office or outside or at home wherever you want, in any manner you like. That should be enough for you. Do it repeatedly day after day even if it is boring at times. After a little practice it will not be boring because the joy will take away the boredom.
So stick to it and that it seems to be very clear instruction to us. But this constant question of progress “are we getting somewhere? If not, shall I waste more time?” That’s the next question almost. Not give up because it seems to be like trying a job or business, almost like an occupation. Take to meditative life, meditation and spiritual life and try it out for a few days. And with our little minds you know the little minds that are naturally a little selfish. And with our little experience, too very little experience in spiritual life but still we want to know are we getting somewhere or else what? What is the use of doing all this?