According to the souls who experienced the realm of non-duality, the perceptible universe is a construct of the mind and the consciousness. The Pilgrim found it easy to intellectually conceive the idea of the nature of the universal consciousness and individual consciousness with the simple analogy of the soap bubble.
The simplistic explanation was given by Sw. Vivekananda, the direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna. He said in his explanation of Raja Yoga that the aim of life is to “manifest this divinity (that is dormant in each soul) by controlling nature, external and internal.”

A soap bubble has air inside and outside. The soap acts as a mechanism to separate the air that is inside the bubble from that which is outside, though both are perfectly the same. As a result of this, the air inside seems to be distinct & separate from the air outside. For the bubble to retain its shape & form and continue to keep this separation, it has to waste a lot of energy working against nature (surface tension).