Times Square in New York City is ever busy. Day or night and any day of the week Times Square and 42nd Street bustles with street vendors, glamorous signages, tourists, local New Yorkers and dogs, pet dogs that range from fancy to the liveliest mutt!
Street vendors and especially halal food add that extra life and activities to the streets of New York City. And there are plenty, apart from the usual brick and mortar chains all along the streets.
I always get a funny reaction when someone realizes that I have my camera working on them as they prepare to take their first bite!

Times Square is lined with various types of artists, from tattoo artists to some fantastic sketch artists, spray painters & other types of entertainers. The tattoo artists work on their craft on the streets and you can see them at work, carefully etching the designs on the flesh.
As a street photographer people are a very interesting subject for me. And in New York City I cannot stop taking pictures of tourists. The inquisitiveness in their eyes, the spring in their feet, the smile on their faces and just the overall energy that this city thrusts into them is simply nice to capture in camera.

My readers have always asked about my shooting in black & white. Somehow I feel, especially for a city like New York City, black and white just resonates with the feeling this city and how I feel about it.
I do shoot in color as well in specific situations but mostly for New York I think I will continue doing most of my street photography work in monochrome! Let me know what you feel.