This literature is a direct account from the day to day life Maharshi Ramana from the diary of A. Davaraja Mudaliar. He accounted for his time of more than four years, from August 1942 till the end of 1946, spent at Sri Ramanasramam in close contact with Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi.
It is almost impossible to understand an incarnation when they come with a physical name & form in front of us. Even more so when we can only judge someone to the best limits of our own intellect. On top of that, we have an inherent perception of an incarnation to have & be able to demonstrate super-natural powers to prove their merit.
With that, incarnations can be felt, understood, recognized and celebrated only by another of the same kind. And while it is almost impossible for a normal human to perceive an incarnate, it is absolutely impossible for a human to explain an incarnate to another human! Explaining an incarnate appropriately to the general mass is only possible by another of equal caliber and with the complete blessing of the incarnate.

According to the eastern philosophy, thus, it is said that an incarnate, the knowledge of the incarnate and the knower of the incarnate all three have the same merits of the same godly spirit. It is my belief that the author be regarded in the same high spirits of a true devotee.
Nevertheless, whenever I read the ‘Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa’, as I used to now and then, I felt how desirable it was that a similar book should be compiled in the case of our Bhagavan.
Day by Day with Bhagavan. ISBN: 81-88018-82-1
The similarities between these two treasures of modern day Indian spiritual guides, both spiritual leaders in non-duality, are obvious. It is almost like the Master is talking directly to you. They are simple, straightforward, direct. To someone in the initial phase of their spiritual metamorphosis, these two books are a must have. They are also instructional in nature – though these instructions are generic in nature, directions specific to a person can only be provided by their Mantra Guru.
In case this book in not available, you can download the PDF copy available online in many places.
This is a part of the author’s Ashrama Dairy meant to preserve for Bhagavan’s devotees all that took place in the Asramam that might be of interest or importance from one point of view or another, and mainly Bhagavan’s answers to questions addressed to him by visitors from all quarters of the globe.