Finally it happened! I started a podcast. I had a brief idea of what I could share and why, but, persisting with my nature of reserving my observations within very close friends, I have always put the idea of speaking into a microphone away for a long time.
I am not a very organized person, I’m very spontaneous, especially at things that are close to my heart, like photography, writing or painting. And I realized that unlike photography, a podcast is likely going to have listeners who prefer to have a known regularity. That meant I had to be regular, almost like a cookie-cutter schedule! It was scary.

Meanwhile, I already started off with writing on ExploreIndia.TV about ethnic cultures & started a bit of reading & reflecting on these indigenous cultures & immediately detected an affinity for their simplistic, minimalistic lifestyles. And suddenly, things started to come together.
I began my first podcast about being happy in a fast crazy professional lifestyle. I am still working on my presentation skills but I am loving the fact that speaking into a microphone alone & listening to myself weave meaning & synergy in my approach towards my subject, makes me to rethink my personal approach towards life & evaluate the need to make any changes.
There is nothing in my podcast that is new to my listeners – absolutely nothing! I try to make it relatable but keep my intent fixed – intent being that it is absolutely possible to be happy even when our daily life all seem to be conspiring against it. A large part of it is mental. There is nothing in my podcast that I have not experienced myself.
My sole inspiration came from a dear friend who is an extremely good story teller & started her own podcast – a chit-chat over tea! So it so happened that she became my first listener & continues to be so.
Our podcasts are our efforts to rediscover ourselves in the first place. They are experiential in nature, thriving on some core principles based on Indian philosophy of spiritualism & the Western philosophy of materialism.
If you wish to listen subscribe & share, these podcasts are available on all major platforms like Spotify, Amazon Music, Google Podcasts, iTunes, iHeartRadio, Audible & most of the popular podcasting platforms.
Feedback are always welcome!