Whenever I would have the opportunity to get into the city, I would spend time photographing the New York City downtown. The city has fascinated millions all over the world for ages and it is always vibrant. Something is always happening and they all seem to happen right before your camera.
New Yorkers outside the theatre on 42nd Street.

A New York City Police Officer waves the traffic for a passing NYPD cop car tow.
Ticket hawkers catching up on tourists in Times Square.

A busy Times Square subway station.
First time tourists in New York City find everything fascinating in Times Square whichever way they look.

A vibrant New York Public Library patio on a weekday afternoon. People along the roadside library reading & playing chess.
A casual afternoon in Bryant Park as the sun goes behind the famous Bryant Park Hotel on 40th Street in downtown New York City.
Families relax at the Josephine Shaw Lowell Memorial Fountain in Bryant Park while a child enjoys in the water.
The drama of life is always unfolding in New York. It has been and will remain a street photographer’s paradise for ever.