The Best of Maine are the Lupines

During late summer every year, lupines grow wild in Maine. The fields throb with the numerous colors of the beautiful lupines. This image was photographed in Boothbay region, overlooking a farm house, in Central Maine just after a short spell of rain.

Maine Lupines

I have found Lupines grow till late August into September especially in years that have a good summer. From Kennebunkport in South Maine all the way leading to Bar Harbor, there are patches along the I-95 route. But if you are looking for photogenic locations with large fields then you have to take the internal roads.

There are numerous such places around Wiscasset and any of the back roads could lead you to several such locations. Another potential place is around the Blue Mountains. The hills provide beautiful scenic opportunities for Lupines.

Outside of Maine, there are several small villages and rural parts of New Hampshire have very unique scenarios where Lupines grow in abundance. Franconia, Presidential, and Kinsman Mountain ranges in New Hampshire as well as the White Mountains are great destinations to find Lupines. Typically New Hampshire sees Lupines from June, while Maine sees it from late June or July months.

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