The Pilgrim & Parallel Existences

The Pilgrim finds it hard to call it parallel universe, though that term is in vogue with all the discoveries in quantum physics. However, such discoveries have given strong indications to theories & thoughts that Eastern philosophers have been recounting for over 7000 years, that creation happens from intense thoughts!

Parallel existence is real, as much real as things one can touch, feel, smell, taste & hear – parallel existence and parallel existence is almost choice less until one realizes their true nature. And when one does realize their true nature, they accept such parallel existences as another construct of their mind & cast it away. Such is the nature of our mind.

Parallel existences revolve around one’s basic qualities & persona. Imagine each such manifestation of quality to being a single plane, with each plane having a single dimension & two poles. So if one is feeling the emotion of hatred, his existence at that moment is in his own universe of hate! While he may lie anywhere on that polarity of hate, the other, opposite pole on the same dimension, is compassion.

With this idea in mind, one can say that one’s universe is one-dimensional at any given point time. Migration from one dimension, or even movement on the scale of the same dimension, gives the illusion of time. Hence, the common saying, a misnomer nonetheless, “Time Heals”.

At the middle point, the point at the center of the pole between hatred & compassion, is the “Land of No Mind” – this, one would think, is the tiny zone where either hatred & compassion both exist or none exist. The mind is almost suspended in between the polar manifestations. One could think this is the state when Consciousness is just aware of it’s presence.

Existence in these dimensions & poles are occurring due to the chemical nature of our physical body. Hormones, food, air, heat, all the 5 elements combine to create & recreate these planes. And hence these are bodily functions, triggered by mind, memories & ego. When one stabilizes in one’s true non-dual nature, the mind automatically stops triggering such effects that would cause such chemical disasters.

One would imagine, this central point, is the source of creation, the source of knowledge, that is referred to as the Buddha Nature, or the Luminous Mind & one attains this state of suspension, also known as Samadhi, through meditation & practice. With the birth & growth of Ego, one moves further from the source.

For those with the bare minimum ego that suffices for ones Nitya-karma, retracing the steps back to the central point could be easy. While those with strong sense of ego & attachments, while it is always possible to retrace one’s footsteps back to the source, the journey could be very difficult.

I cannot speak for the physical co-existence in multiple universes, but mentally, one exists in all these infinite universes in various degrees & proportions. This is probably why the same person who could be cursing at the top of his voice one moment, is laughing with his friends a few hours later. The time to move either between the poles of the same dimension or jump onto another dimension depends on the speed with which the chemicals work in the body.

This way, there is no difference between the constructs of a saint & a sinner. While a saint is prone towards one pole of any dimension, the more accommodating, compassionate, kindness side, the sinner is prone to the opposite poles of the same dimensions.

The brilliance of this concept is that the center of the sphere exists equally for all. It is thus possible for anyone, with some practice of mindfulness, & help of the Guru, to realize that he too could become stable in one’s Buddha Nature. After all, at the end of one’s life, when the body goes, so does the chemicals that made up & made in the body, leaving nothing but the possibility of being in the center of the sphere.

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