Backroads of Memphis in Spring

Spring is finally here in Tennessee. Even with all the devastations and misery that Covid-19 is inflicting on us, nature has not stood still. The flowers are in bloom and the roadsides are colorful with mid-South wildflowers. The misty mornings and cloudy skies add a lot of drama to the scenes.

The backroads around Memphis, Germantown, Collierville, Arlington & Millington has numerous backroads that look gorgeous with the leafing bowers and the wild daisies on the ground. Mornings are usually misty in early Spring. And occasionally the early morning fog would be very thick.

In between, you would come across huge fields of cotton. With some luck, you can catch the sunrise over the cotton fields. Most of the time these fields of cotton in Tennessee are covered with thick morning fog, but the picture of the sunrise through the fog over these vast cotton plantations that you finally bring back would be worth the time.

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