Early Morning Fog on Tennessee Backroad

My early morning drives along Tennessee back roads around Memphis have been very exciting. Its not that I find unique places but I have always found unique moods in almost all the regular places. A simple thing as the morning fog in winter could transform something so mundane into something so intriguing.

This picture is one of several I took along the Arlington Millington Road in late winter. The road winds in beautiful turns and every so often the road goes up and down along the undulating topography that is so unique of the mid-south landscape.


As you can see from the dead leaves on the ground and the greenish hue on the branches that winter is almost over & spring is around the corner. A short drive in the other direction led to this amazing by road covered with fall leaves and fog that kept rolling in and out.


Except for the basic fixes in Lightroom no other enhancements are done to the RAW image. As you can see the color temperatures are widely different from top to bottom, giving the slightly bluish tint to the fog and a slight orangish cast to the leaves below. I call it slightly because you can see how the colors of the tree and the green of the pine leaves in the background have come out so naturally.

I will continue to explore and post more fall foliage photos and even try some black & white fog photography around the house in the coming months.

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