Scott Street Murals in Memphis

Scott Street, adjacent to Broad Street in Memphis, has some great murals around Memphis. There are a lot of wall paintings, some prominently visible from the main roads, while some are tucked away in the alleys, backroads & along the train tracks in the area.

Murals on Scott Street close to downtown Memphis. These murals are on the walls of the Society Memphis Coffee Bar and Skateboard Park & Shop.

Memphis Murals and Society Memphis indoor Skatepark & Coffee Shop

Murals on Scott Street close to downtown Memphis. These murals are on the walls of the Society Memphis Coffee Bar and Skateboard Park & Shop.

I got a chance to speak with Mr. Daniel, who is working hard to reform the popular indoor skatepark of Memphis. It’s a beautiful idea of coaching youngsters in skating and providing an encouraging environment to learn and love the sport.

Just behind the Society Memphis indoor skate park, adjacent to the train tracks are more murals with incredible colors.

A few steps towards Broad Street, and the last mural on the road is on the front of 569 Scott Street.

Other articles on Memphis murals & street art published earlier:

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