So again we find that the wisdom of God Ganesha is coming to the forefront and I believe a new age is beginning. There’s a greater urge for spiritual life amongst the younger generation. Now with regard to probing the inner universe, this has already been done.
Exemplars are not wanting, there have been great spiritual giants or mystics that every religion in this world has produced they have chopped out the path for us.
We have only to follow. Now of course in order that we can follow, we must know what exactly is the goal of life is it the acceptance of certain dogmas and beliefs and doctrines. Is it to go out and do something? Can we do good to the world only with our hands and feet? These are the things to consider.

And spiritual life or spiritual pursuit is not something blind and purposeless, is not
something that we have to achieve in the next life. It has a specific end to achieve and a definite goal to attain. And that has to be attained.
In the words of the Upanishads:
Here and now // not after the death of the body
so the aspirant for spiritual life
must think for himself
clearly and definitely
and understand that goalfor only then the pursuit for spiritual life will be serious and meaningful
Now let us try to consider what that goal is. Perhaps all scriptures and all religions
without any exception I would say, and if we consider and use our common sense which seems to be so uncommon, we shall find, if I can put that goal as fulfillment of one’s life, can object to that ideal and goal fulfillment. Now again in this connection, let me tell
you something. I had an experience just a few months back.
A Catholic father happened to come and visit us. And one of our nuns asked him, “Father
please tell us what you think as the goal of human life?” And his answer was “Fulfillment of human aspirations”. Then I questioned him, “Tell me father, what do you mean by fulfillment of human aspirations? To find a beautiful wife? To gain prosperity and name and fame?”
These are human, natural human, aspirations and he was a little struck! And he could not answer very well, because when I pointed out when you have all these fulfillment what have you got? Does not frustration come in the end? So where is the fulfillment? Then he asked me “what is your idea of fulfillment?”. I said “fulfillment comes when we realize
the eternal, the unchangeable reality amongst the non-eternals of life. When we attain that highest abiding joy in the midst of the fleeting pleasures of life.
First he said “I don’t think there is any unchangeable reality”. I said “what is god? What is Christ? Call that God or Christ or Atman, the Self within. Names do not make any difference. And where is it? It’s all within ourselves!
You know as long as you think that Reality, that God is way out there, it reminds me… at one time you know I opened the radio and I was listening to the Minister’s talk and he said “you know how God listens to the prayers? Just as you tune in the radio so God has
his radio tuned in way up in the heaven and your prayers reach him way up in the air.” No! the Kingdom of God is within. Not here not there, the Kingdom of God is Within.