The Pilgrim’s Lesson on the Goal of Life

Now again what are the methods? In this age, pointed out as many religions
so many paths. There’s a saying roads lead to Rome but Rome, to reach Rome, must be your ideal. So all religions lead you to that one goal which is God. But God must be the goal of your life. Not after but here and now. You don’t have to be born again in the
womb, to be reborn, but while living here you can be reborn in spirit.

And if I can say the common method is meditation, prayer, concentrated mind. To quote the words of the great seer philosopher faith, devotion and constant union with God. Through prayer these are declared to be the seekers direct means of liberation. You may believe in darkness or no darkness but you need these three things faith, devotion and constant union with God.

Through prayer, pray without ceasing. Now let me explain to you. Faith means in the first place you have to have the working faith – that what the scriptures say and what the man of God teaches you, you have to have that working faith. And at the same time you have to have faith in yourself. My master said to me “others realized God why can’t you?”

That faith in yourself and devotion means you have to have interest in that. You have to be interest. To be interested in God and interest comes to you, devotion comes to you as you continue to think and think and think. Now this constant union with God – does that mean that we have to give up action and work, the duties of life in the world? No!

Through work, through action also you have to keep your union with God. As Sri Krishna says “mentally resign all your action to me! Man attains to the highest perfection by worshiping me, by performing their respective duties.” So consider work is worship. If your heart and soul are fixed in God, again Sri Krishna says “all that he does is offered before me in utter surrender my grace is upon him, he finds the eternal the peace

Now here comes the important question – what to meditate upon? God? But what is God?
Any idea, any conception of God that you may have is true. For instance, if the child says “dada dada” cannot utter the word father, does not the father know? So God is impersonal, he’s personal. You see ocean, formless ocean, infinite. And then again
through intense cold icebergs floating and these divine incarnations like Krishna or Christ or Buddha, they’re also icebergs. And through them also you can reach that infinite, that ocean of bliss, that ocean of existence, that ocean of immortality.

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