The Pilgrim’s Lesson on the Goal of Life

So majority does not prove the truth. Though majority can elect a president but majority cannot elect God. The fact that they are in the minority is because very few want that, very few want that. My master one time said “people’s minds are busy with trivial things – who wants the real treasure?” And in this connection one time he said “we have the treasure to offer but people come to get potatoes and onions and eggplants”.

Then he said “they can manage to do all kinds of worldly works but when it comes to spiritual effort they say where is the time for it?” In other words what Buddha called laziness – that’s the greatest sin. It is said that through the grace of the Lord one can have this combination of these three things human birth, the desire for the truth of God or desire for liberation, and the Grace of a Guru, an illumined teacher.

And one thing – if one has that longing, one has that desire, then even God comes down in human form to teach. And main thing necessary is that longing, that desire. Now let me quote in this connection the verse of Jesus. If we understand it properly you shall find
he also says that “… verily, verily I say unto you, except a man be born of water and of the
spirit he cannot enter the Kingdom of God.”

These are the two things necessary – to be born of water. To be born of water, just not by
dipping into the water you get it or even by sprinkling. You see they’re fighting about that
whether to spring food. No that’s what I call in our language “initiation”. You see power is transmitted by the teacher to the disciple in the form of a seed as it were. We call it “seed word”. And the power is there if it comes from the lips of a man of God.

Then as you chant that, as you utter that, then gradually you are born in spirit. But you need to have in the first place what we call “viveka” or “discrimination”. You have to consider, you have to convince yourself no matter how your mind runs for the worldly things, it’s natural, but you have to convince yourself that God is the only treasure, which no moth can eat. As Jesus says “and is the one treasure”.

And at the same time you have also to convince yourself, as I said, in spite of your tendencies for worldly things you have to consider flat staining and unprofitable are the uses of the world. You have to come to that understanding, convince yourself.

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