In the Bhagavad-Gita, we read how Sri Krishna tells his disciple Arjuna “you cannot see God with these eyes but I shall give you Divine sight and that Divine sight has to be opened. And it is possible, it is latent in every one of us, that power is latent in every one of us, it has to be unfolded.

And in this connection I may quote the psalmist lord “Open thine mind, Open thou my eyes that I may behold wondrous things. Out of thy law open my eyes and the eyes have to be opened. And pray and pray with a longing yearning heart for the truth of God.”
And therefore direct perception is possible and that is the only proof for the existence of God. As the seers of the Upanishads point out, as well as great seers in other countries in other nations point out, I have known that truth. Also they tell us, he also shall know the truth then only you can attain freedom and immortality.
Brahman may be realized while yet living in this ephemeral body. To fail to realize him
is to live in ignorance and therefore subject to birth and death. The knowers of Brahman are immortal. Others knowing him not, continue in the bonds of grief. one question may arise – these who claim to have known God, seen God, they’re in the minority. Very few in any age have come in direct contact and experience have the direct experience of God.
How to convince ourselves that they are not deluded themselves. Maybe Ramakrishna
was deluded, they were insane perhaps. We are integrated but we have integrated
personality and they acted and behaved like crazy people sometimes. But look at their life their character. Look at the power behind them.